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 Sheryl Staub-Frenchstaub-french-770-1, PhD, PEng

Dr. Staub-French is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia. An active proponent of the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM)—a digital process for modeling the spatial, functional, and contextual dimensions of a construction project—Sheryl researches and develops tools and techniques to better support multi-disciplinary decision processes in the increasingly complex field of construction coordination. Over the past 15 years she has contributed more than 50 papers in leading journals and conferences in BIM and topics related to the technological and organizational issues associated with its implementation. She is also the inaugural holder of the Goldcorp Professorship for Women in Engineering and Director of the eng•cite program (www.engcite.ca), which develops and delivers a targeted recruitment strategy for UBC Engineering that aims to increase the number of women enrolled in its programs to 50% by 2020.



Name Affiliation
Daniel Forgues École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Rachel Pottinger UBC Computer Science

Postdoctoral Fellows

Name Research Interests
Puyan Zadeh
erik-poirier Erik Poirier

Current Students

Name Program Research Interests
placeholder Ngoc Tran PhD Interfacing BIM & Linear Planning
through product model mappings to formulate & visualize alternative construction strategies
Alan Russell and Sheryl Staub-French
 hasan-burak-cavka Hasan Burak Cavka PhD Investigating the Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Commissioning and Handover Processes to Support Operations and Maintenance Sheryl Staub-French
sarmad-mehrbod Sarmad Mehrbod PhD BIM Collaboration in Digital Environments Sheryl Staub-French
placeholder Raza Ali MASc Investigating BIM support for building performance assessment Sheryl Staub-French
hooman-shahrokhi Hooman Shahrokhi MASc Parametric Design, Building Constructibility, Design Features, Lean Construction  Sheryl Staub-French
Azadeh-Site Azadeh Fallahi MASc Collaboration of programming and BIM to increase constructibility and support lean construction Sheryl Staub-French

Past Students

Name Program Research Interests
Erik Poirier  PhD (2015) Towards a unified, contextual, integrative framework for BIM implementation and collaboration within project teams working in the AEC industry Daniel Forgues (ETS) and Sheryl Staub-French
Madhav Nepal PhD (2012) Automated Extraction and Querying of Construction-Specific Design Features from a Building Information Model Sheryl Staub-French
Helia Amiri MASc (2012) Investigation of BIM Uses in Construction Sheryl Staub-French
Behzad Pilehchian MASc (2012) Change Management with Building Information Models: A Case Study Sheryl Staub-French
Amir Tangestani MASc (2011) Evaluation of Linear-Scheduling-Based 4D Modeling Approaches Alan Russell and Sheryl Staub-French
Hasan Burak Cavka MASc (2010) Characterizing Bottlenecks in Building Design Coordination Meetings Sheryl Staub-French
Ngoc Tran MASc (2007) Linear Scheduling and 4D Visualization Alan Russell and Sheryl Staub-French
Mani Golparvar Fard MASc (2006) Assessment of Collaborative Decision-Making in Design Development Meeting`s Sheryl Staub-French
Ganesh Subramanian MASc (2006) Conflict Detection in 3D MEP Coordination: Tools, Constraints and Costs Sheryl Staub-French
Mahdi Beheshtian MASc (2006) Visualizing the Design and Construction of Roadway Systems: A Case Study Sheryl Staub-French
A. Reza Tabesh MASc (2005) Case Study of 3D Modelling and Building System Coordination: Process And Knowledge Sheryl Staub-French
Hao Nie MASc (2005) An OLAP-based PM Prototype for Cost Control and Manpower Allocation Thomas Froese and Sheryl Staub-French


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